Tendinitis Discussion
Tendinitis is due to inflammation involving tendons at sites of pressure or
shearing forces. Many patients have an anatomic predisposition to this
problem, and develop symptoms spontaneously. Patients may also develop this
problem after a regional injury. Tendinitis may be progressive or
recurrent. Localized tendon enlargement may result in clicking or
triggering with movement. Treatment options include therapy,
antiinflammatory medication, splinting, local cortisone injection or
surgery to decompress the tendon. Problems include persistent soreness and
possible recurrence. Specific problems with treatment include painful
scars, stiffness and persistence or recurrence of symptoms. Usually, the
number of steroid injections in the same tendon sheath is limited to a
maximum of two because of the possibility of tendon rupture from multiple
injections. Additional injections may be given in selected sites which do
not have a well defined tendon sheath. Surgery is usually successful at
relieving triggering, but symptoms of soreness, pain and stiffness may
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