of the Injured Hand
A working
knowledge of anatomy usually allows much
of the examination for an acute injury to be performed without touching
the actual site of injury. Posture of the fingers can indicate specific
tendon injuries. Even under anesthesia, if the tendons and phalanges are
intact, the fingers should assume a position of progressively more flexion
of both proximal and distal interphalangeal joints proceeding from the
index to the small finger (Fig. 1a).
of the skin and nail beds compared to the opposite side can indicate arterial
or venous insufficiency, and bruising at a site away from an area
of impact strongly suggests an underlying skeletal injury even with normal
x-rays. Sensory, motor and vascular examination distal to the injury
can provide clues as to the status of more proximal wounds. A focused examination
of the median (Fig. 1b), ulnar
(Fig. 1c), and radial (Fig. 1d)
nerves can be performed in a few seconds. Active unresisted motion may
be limited, but even so can provide information regarding tendon and nerve
status. Allen's test for patency of the radial and ulnar arteries can be
performed by applying pressure to the palm without requiring the patient
to make a fist. This gentle approach is clearly preferable to attempting
to define the injury by instrumenting the wound itself in the accident
of an acute injury commences with triage: brief history ("the door closed
on my hand"), brief examination (Wounds? Deformity?), and then a more directed
and detailed history, radiographs and detailed examination.
Hand Injury Examination
American Society for Surgery of the Hand assh.org
The Best Resource For Your Hands, Period.