Wood procedure: MCP reconstruction without implants therapy

3 - 7 days:

The postoperative dressing is removed. The wound is inspected for edema and drainage. Pin care protocol is reviewed. A light dressing and edema control measures are applied as needed.

A static splint is fabricated to hold:

Wrist in 15 degrees of dorsiflexion

MCPs of index through small fingers in position of pin immobilization (usually full extension) Allows full PIP and DIP flexion.

Active Range of Motion exercises are initiated 15 min/hr.

Passive Range of Motion exercises are performed 2 x/day as outlined by the therapist.

NOTE: Prior to discharge from the hospital, Joint Protection principles are reviewed. The need for adaptive equipment may also be assessed at this time.

3 weeks:

The MCP pins are removed by the physician

Daytime Protocol:

A Rheumatoid splint is fabricated for continual wear.

The hand is positioned as follows:

Wrist:15 degrees of dorsiflexion

MCP:0 degrees of extension and neutral alignment using MCP slings.

The slings are set up to approximately 60 degrees of radial pull from the outrigger. A Supinator Outrigger splint is worn on the index finger between exercises to protect the RCL repair. Gutter splints are applied to any fusions for continual wear.

Active Range of Motion exercises are initiated 15 min/hr. with the MCP slings on.

Passive Range of Motion exercises are performed 2 x/day as outlined by the therapist.

Nighttime Prrotocol:

1) IF Ring/small passive MCP flexion is equal to or greater than 75 degrees A Resting Pan splint is fabricated to be worn at night as follows: The digits are placed in full extension. The MCP joints are held in neutral to slight radial deviation. A Supinator is applied to the index finger.

2) IF Ring/small passive MCP flexion is less than 75 degrees Dynamic MCP Flexion splint

4 weeks:

Light prehension activities are permitted outside of the splint.

No writing

6 weeks:

If MCP Extensor lag is less than 30 degrees and there is no ulnar drift: The R. A. splint may be discontinued.

The Resting Pan splint is continued at night.

10-12 weeks:

Soft putty and other gentle resistive exercises may be initiated.

Writing is permitted

6 mo. - 1 yr:

The Resting Pan splint may be discontinued.

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