The most important credits go to my incredible parents, my wife and children, as well as every hand surgeon I've ever worked with, listened to or read from for this site's existence - this is an indirect payback. I've had the luck to learn from a great variety of people, both strangers and friends, and the unfortunate truth is that they can not be thanked in the most deserving manner. Despite this, I would like to acknowlege a core of people who have had a critical and lasting philosophic influence in my life and professional practice, and ultimately to the existence of this web site. Boiled down to one liners at the risk of trivializing, and listed chronologically, their sledgehammers to my head have been: 
My Mother Life is sacred. Respect all.
My Father You create your own destiny. Trust, but verify.
My Brothers Humor is the essential lubricant of experience.
Don Scott You can always find good in any person - if you look.
Marci Ellenbogen Question authority.
Pat Pattillo Wake up. There's always another applicable paradigm.
Dave Schoetz  Sleep comes last.
Steve Cohn Evidence based medicine is the only ethical type of practice.
Franz Kafka You don't need to leave your room.
Remain sitting at your table and listen.
Don't even listen, simply wait.
Don't even wait.
Be quite still and solitary.
The world will freely offer itself to you.
To be unmasked, it has no choice.
It will roll in ecstasy at your feet.
Bob Beasley Art is an inseparable part of the finest surgical care.
Bernard O'Brien Good ideas are a dime a dozen. Bringing them to reality is the real task. 
My Wife Every day and everyone deserves the very best that you can give, freely, without expectation. Make your mark now.Your life will change in the blink of an eye.
Wayne Morrison Persistence conquers all. It can be done.
Joe Fischer and
Lee Chick
Thanks for helping me pass my general surgery and plastic surgery board certification oral exams.
Graham Lister Seek and share knowlege globally. Keep learning and teaching facts.
My Children The way that you react to the situation is the situation.
Gordon, Joe, Jon, 
Scott and Warren
There is no substitute for good (and now old) friends.
And, of course,
the universe.
Surgeon's Prayer:
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to witness the miraculous design of the human body, which surpasses all understanding. Thank you for the opportunity to attempt to ease suffering. May I remain open minded, humble, caring and comforting as I share my skills and experience with my patients and with my colleagues, and may I remain thoroughly grateful for my entire life.

Charles Eaton MD
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