Upper Extremity Strengthening Program 
This guideline is modified with permission from Robert P Nirschl MD http://www.nirschl.com/
and The Hand Center of Indiana http://www.indianahandcenter.com
Page 1 of 4: Arm Exercises
  • Before beginning these exercises, warm up with a general exercise such as jumping jacks, running in place, etc. for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Perform these exercises every other day for at least 12 weeks.
  • Exercises should be done at a slow, measured pace, such as 2 seconds to raise, and 4 seconds to lower.
  • Each exercise should be performed in a set of 12 repetitions and held for 5 seconds unless otherwise noted.
  • Use a light weight - ½ to 2 pound weight to begin, or as instructed by your physician. You may use a dumbbell, a wrist or ankle weight.
Starting with the hands facing forward at thigh level, raise one hand to the shoulder, and bring back down. Repeat with the other hand. 
Hold weights overhead, then slowly lower behind the head and raise back. 
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